Monday, August 28, 2006

Elul Musings

Inspired by McAryeh's Elul post, I was also surprised to find that Elul has snuck up again. I knew it was coming, and I tried to start planning for it last week, but you know how it goes... Every year, I wish I had made a daily plan for improvement and teshuva before Elul started. That way, I could properly utilize the potential that this time of year has to offer. Kind of like sefirat haomer, taking one day at a time and using it to it's fullest.

Better luck next year on the preplanning i guess, but one thing I actually did do was to go to shul for Shacharit on Friday - to hear the shofar being blown for the first time this season. In my shul, they blow after the recitation of L'David Hashem and I wasn't quite finished with the mizmor when I literally jumped, as a strong blast of the shofar hit me. A loud wakeup call, as Rambam calls the sound of the shofar.

This year, I feel like I am focused, not neccisarily on teshuva per se, but on myself and my future (kabalah al ha'atid?). I have yet to really feel the intense koach of this time of year, but I had pulled my old standby, Rav Avigdor Nebenztal's Sichot L'Rosh HaShannah, which I hope to get back into soon. I feel like I need to curl up in a warm corner, with the hood of my sweatshirt over my head, where no one can see me and just do some hard thinking. This year is bringing new challenges and I want to meet them head on, while taking advantage of all of the opportunities that they present.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Elster from both Storytellers and Elster's World. Just found your blog. Welcome and good luck.


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