Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Creative Sparks

For the past two days at work, I have been working on a certain project which finally requires me to be creative. But now that the chance has been given, I am feeling up against a wall. I can't find the proper exciting pieces I need to get the job done well. I have tried to approach the task from different angles, etc. but nothing really inspired has as of yet been produced. Finally, perhaps a lead today?

Which leads me to think about the other creative tasks I have been assigned since starting this job. While doing everyday drudgery, I yearn for the chance to work on more exciting things. But when I finally get a chance, it seems like I am not doing the fabulous job I believe I could. Why? I'm not sure. I don't think it's pressure; I don't feel an urgent supervisor breathing down my neck.

I wish I had an answer.


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